If you have recently experienced a car accident in the State of New York and were not at fault, you may be curious as to where the responsibility lies for paying or covering the associated medical bills incurred as a result of the accident.
Many successfully go through a settlement for personal injury where a favorable verdict is provided following a trial, but these take time. You have to know now. The truth of the matter is, it depends on the details of the accident and the type of insurance coverage that is involved in the situation.
Defendants Are Now Required to Cover Ongoing Medical Expenses
In most instances, your medical bills are your responsibility. Now, there are two exceptions. First, being in a no-fault state (which New York is), and the “Medical Payments” coverage included in some policies.
No-fault means that the insurance company will pay a portion or even all of your medical bills if they are a result of a car accident- no matter who was to blame for the accident – up to the limits of your coverage. Once you reach this limit, you are then responsible for paying your medical bills.
What if I Have Health Insurance?
If you have a type of state insurance – such as Medicaid – they will pay the medical bills. If you are covered through another health insurance company, they too, will help in paying for the medical bills based on your policy coverages and details.
If you have exhausted your car insurance limits and/or the extent of your health insurance, you will have to work out payment arrangements with the healthcare providers.
What Is Medical Payment Insurance?
When you sign up for car insurance, you do have the option of signing up for medical payments coverage. This type of coverage will pay medical bills of both the drivers and the associated passengers of a car accident of the insured up to the limits of the policy.
In general, these limits top off at $10,000, but could be more depending on the limits of the coverage. Once the limit has been exceeded, you will be responsible for the rest of the bills. Even the no-fault states usually have the option to add medical payments coverage to the policy.
While this may increase the amount paid for the insurance, once an accident occurs, it is possible to rack up medical bills quickly and may be well worth the investment.
Contact Us Today
When you drive a vehicle in the State of New York, it is imperative that you have the best coverage possible. In the years of 2012-2014 alone, there were over 12,000 hospitalizations, nearly 1,100 deaths, and almost 137,000 emergency room visits from vehicle accidents.
We here at Modica Associates can assist you in obtaining the best insurance coverage for your needs. If you would like to learn more or have any questions about your current coverage, contact us today by calling: 718-855-1836