Business Loss Insurance New York

We make sure your Business has additional coverage for when the unexpected happens!

We Offer Business Loss Insurance in New York

This new and innovative Insurance Product is designed to provide businesses with the coverage they need in the event of a suspension of operations by a public health official due to a covered contagion originating from the Business Location.

By Contagions we mean Disease Transmission, Biological Materials, Vermin and Pests.

Business Loss Insurance New York


  • A Clothing store or a hotel with Bedbug infestations
  • A Salmonella Outbreak from a food supply at your Restaurant
  • A Meningitis Outbreak in a School or Day Care.

We provide additional coverage where it counts!

The Policy Pays a Per-Day Per-Location Limit

Per Day limits: From $5,000 to $50,000 per location
Days Covered: 15 or 30
Multi location Aggregate – up to $5,000,000

Our programs have:

  • Cleanup
  • Public Relations
  • Continuing Payroll
  • Reduction of Revenues

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