Posts from September, 2018

Brownstone Insurance is Tricky to Obtain Due to the Hidden Costs Associated with the Historical Buildings

Brownstone Insurance Broker Brooklyn

The brownstone buildings throughout Brooklyn, New York are considered to be iconic. They started to emerge throughout the 1830s, when the middle class sought to obtain homes that were classy, reflected their socioeconomic status, and exhibited a high level of durability. Today, brownstone homes are still considered to be highly sought after due to their… Read More…

3 Types of Commercial Insurance Every Business Needs

Commercial Insurance Brooklyn

As a business owner, you are exposed to a number of risks from the very beginning of your career endeavor. In order to reduce the complications associated with these risks, it is imperative that you have the proper types of insurance coverages in place. Experiencing one catastrophic situation or experiencing just one lawsuit could do… Read More…

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